All this blog is is to show and explain uses for things on my site. I update it with my new pages and changes. If it is of any use to you I'm glad! It is just made to help you out if you are looking for anything specific! :)
    Then of course, there is my home page. It is just a simple page to explain a little bit about my life and who I am to start off anyone's website visit nicely! :) My customized picture of my name and explanation of myself is really all there is to it! You could say it is the main, yet the simplest page I have put up. What's a website without a home page?
    The links page was and assignment I had once. It was to check to see if we knew how to create a page and add elements to it. The assignment was to share 25 sites and their links on our website. I have deleted some that I don't really like, therefore there are no longer 25 sites. If you need sources for things, they are categorized by their uses and you may follow the links.
     The pictures page I have posted is more personal. It is whatever I want to put up. The pictures are just to introduce myself more and share some things about me. I can put any photos I want up there and anyone is welcome to see them.
    So you see my digital portfolio page and you may not know what it is for. It does come across as a little bit random. It is actually for my technology class. When we complete assignments, we post them there for our teacher to view, grade, and reply his thoughts on it. It is pretty useful and makes things easier on everyone to have the page. So other than to him and myself, it is of no use whatsoever to anyone else!
       So you can see that I have a page named "Netiquette." In my class, we are learning about all the safety rules and netiquette that should be used when we are online. The document on the page includes my ten rules I found and follow. Also, I cited my sources on the bottom of the page and on the button you are able to click below the document. The page also has websites that will be helpful to you if you want information on any of the four categories listed. There is internet safety, e-mail netiquette, cyber bullying, and online privacy and personal information. So if you want to learn more about any of those, follow the links!

    This is my Personal Blog! :)